Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I was not ready for the hair loss. I knew it was coming and I really wasn't upset about it orginally, but when you comb you hair and all of it comes out and you have a bald spot, its a bit unnerving.This happened on Sunday. This morning I took a pair of scissors to the rest of my braids and cut it short and washed what was left. Did not comb it because I knew I would pull out a lot. Oh well. DH found the clipper, and when we clean it and oil it, what's left of my hair will be gone.

I really thought that I wouldn't lose most of my hair until after the second chemo treatment. I guess it will be my eyebrow next.

All in all I'm doing fine. I'm going to work, I'm not tried or fatigue, I'm eating like a horse.
I'm thanking Allah everyday for each day. Alhamduillah!

I finished my Lissajous from the knit.love.sock kal. I wore them today. I'm so proud of my knee highs . They did not stay up. I'll have to insert some elastic at the top.

This is the back of the leg.

1 comment:

  1. I love the socks. Once you have the elastic it will keep you nice and warm.
